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'Our economy will chug along''The future is not bright. Unless we handle corruption and respect laws, we will keep struggling,' says Ramesh Shrichand Damani.
Jayant : Since you're tracking container corp, please let me know if growth is expected to be good over next 6 months? Any concerns on this company? Jayant : Is Mcdowell also expected to unlock value by selling out to a foreign partner? UB did well today!! Ramesh S. Damani : I beleive so. Both candidates are good for unlocking value. Jayant : Ramesh, u were not too excited by Satyam earlier, but what's your opinion now that they are trying to sell SIFY stake?? Ramesh S. Damani : What price are they going to get? Pennies on the dollar?? Jayant : In Logistics which companies look good now apart from GATI?? Ramesh S. Damani : Blue dart is also doing this business. dipti : mr damani, around how many domestic brokerage firms have shut shop in India? could you give approx figures please? Ramesh S. Damani : Et reported 40-50 at BSE and NSE.However most are surviving onprop trading and not brokerage. rhea : talking abt brokerage firms, why are so many foreign ones leaving India? could you highlight reasons? sir ET report on 40-50 is domestic or both domestic and foreign? Ramesh S. Damani : Low volumes and high costs are a fatal combination. silverinvestor : mr damani,have you any idea about quality of management of AZTECH? Ramesh S. Damani : It's a good management. I have met and liked them. Problem is the consulting business is slowing. Growth will be slow. Sean : Sir,last time when u along with Mr.Jaykumar were on CNBC,u had actually suggessted MCDowells & Indian Hotels......Do they still look Good Buys at these prices????????? Ramesh S. Damani : I did and they do look good to me. They are very cheap. Sean : Sir,Any other Turnaround Stories in the making Ramesh S. Damani : I recently bought some Apollo Hospitals. Good bet. silverinvestor : In US they have "junk bonds" & "penny stocks".Any stocks you trace in India.(Other than Indomatsushita Appliances) Ramesh S. Damani : Try Usha Martin Infotech. Around Rs 8. Sean : Does Sun Pharma and Orchid Chemicals look good plays in the second rung pharma list???? Ramesh S. Damani : I don't follow pharma very closely. deepak : what is prop trading? Ramesh S. Damani : Trading for your own account, not for client Sean : Sir,any specific reason that u could have found Apollo Hospitals attractive!!!!!!!!!!!! Ramesh S. Damani : The hospital business is like the hotel business. Once capex is over, cash flows in. He is the leader in the business. silverinvestor : How about TIMEX,TITAN,WHIRPOOL,ELECTROLUX.GRUH FINANCE,VASISHTI? Ramesh S. Damani : Titan is interesting. The rest I am unenthusiastic about. Sean : How r the Petrol Stocks looking sir??? especially HPCL & BPCL ....which of the 2 do u prefer Ramesh S. Damani : From what I hear BPCL is the best of the lot. Sean : Sir...ITC a good stock to buy in a bull market rally???/ Ramesh S. Damani : I am bullish on it. Buy it on days the market is goingdown. gulshan : hinow how is investment on infosys Ramesh S. Damani : I still own some. It does not have the glamour of old. deepak : why was ICICI down today? Ramesh S. Damani : No particular reason. rashminjolapra : what wud be your assessment on the stock situation viewing the sept.11 situation Ramesh S. Damani : Market seems to have bottomed out September 21-26. Sean : Sir, about Cement do u think second rung counters could be runaway stories????especially with consolidation on....which scrip would u lay u money on Ramesh S. Damani : Runaway i dont know. However, teh consolidation is ongoing. Rakesh : is it right time to buy tech stocks, specialy GTL, HFCL , HCL Tech Satyam, Infosys Wipro Ramesh S. Damani : Among the large cap tech stocks, I like INFY and Wipro. riz : infosys did well today..despite the fact that narayana murthy said yesterday that this is India's first downturn Ramesh S. Damani : Yes it has made a major bottom. However growth is still a question mark. Achut : Is it right to buy/hold DSQ Biotech Ramesh S. Damani : Avoid it. rashminjolapra : in the event of the afghan crisis prolonging, wudnt it be a prudent option to lie low for a while Ramesh S. Damani : The risk of a terrorist attack is high. But we can't quantify it. However, markets always climb a wall of worry. With certainty, prices will be higher. inquisitive : how will zee's deal help the stock? Ramesh S. Damani : AOL Warner stake will cause a rerating of Zee. Sean : Sir Do u think tech still has some steam left or what downside do u see in a possible correction Ramesh S. Damani : A correction could come in Janonce results are due for Q3.RIght now pople are optimistic Natty : On books, it seems that stocks seems to depend on company performance, results, political stability, nations finance policies etc., home come the stocks never oblidge these, and does the stock exchanges are becoming just another gambling place? Ramesh S. Damani : That is an incorrect view of markets. Markets work on pshycology and are an art not a science. If it was a science, it would shut down. In the long run, markets are always a weighing machine. me : what about niit Ramesh S. Damani : Let's wait for Dec results. alok : Ramesh, I have bought some Kotak Mahindra at Rs. 56. Can you suggest me some better sitch-overs or this investment looks alright? Ramesh S. Damani : Kotak is a good franchise.I would hold it. Unless you don't like finance shares. rashminjolapra : i am more concerned about the fiscal policies of the sebi, especially viewing govt bureacracy, what is the option of investment you wud suggest for now . shares or debentures Ramesh S. Damani : I prefer shares. Fixed returns aren't for the young. Stocks have doubled in 3 weeks. hemal : I hold a lot of neyveli lignite corporation. How does it look long term Ramesh S. Damani : it is doing well. I would hold it. Natty : seems the fancy with Telecom, Entertainment and Infotech is no longer, or is it just a phase and these knowledge sectors will come back with a bang? Ramesh S. Damani : I think they will. These sectors are going to do well. Find good companies irfan : what is indias future in IT busines Ramesh S. Damani : Great, it is going to be big. sumitchandak : how silverline look at this stage Ramesh S. Damani : Avoidable. sam : There is a lot of diff between ITC bhdra and ITC so is it better to but ITC bhadra on declines rather than ITC and wait till april for merger Ramesh S. Damani : I have not done the analysis. I just like ITC.> irfan : Will the IT business grow in india in future Ramesh S. Damani : Yes. IT will be big. karmanya : I have been watching u on CNBC and respect ur views. I hold Archies, Andhra cement, L&T, Jaiprakash. Kindly advise Ramesh S. Damani : the quality of your portfolio is weak. Buy some good growth stocks and some value . ketan : what is u're view on thermax at 75 levels Ramesh S. Damani : Good value. star : hello sir,how to predict the value of share Ramesh S. Damani : ITs an art. mehta : Will the Indian stock market continue to track the US markets? Ramesh S. Damani : Looks like it. kp : castrol current price Rs. 185/- is 9 years low, Is it worth to invest for 9-10 months ? Ramesh S. Damani : Looks okay to me. Happy : Dear Sir, Please advise me about the strength of Pentamedia at current levels of 65 for next one year. What are your ideas about the strength of the scrip Ramesh S. Damani : I am not enthusisatic about Penta. hemal : Dear Sir, Is E-serve a good buy at current 260 levels or shld i wait for a correction Ramesh S. Damani : I am recommending it for the long run. sadagopan : Why are u not enthusiastic about Pentameidia.Are not they doing well? Ramesh S. Damani : I am not impressed with management. coolrks : sir where i can contact instead of chat.can u give me the nos.for trading advises.......so ican contact u..... Ramesh S. Damani : This is the best place to contact me. Happy : What about SAIl. I want to purchase 10000 shares ar Rs. 3.5/4 Ramesh S. Damani : Why ? annie : Kesoram at current levels. Should I hold or quit Ramesh S. Damani : Hold it. They may get merged with Grasim. virus : Dear sir, inspite of rally in debt market and equity market in octomber and november there are no major inflows in mutual fund. Wat do u feel the reason ?? Is the people has lost confidence in mutual fund industy ???(this is the forth time i m posting question) pls give anser Ramesh S. Damani : Sorry for th dealy. THe MF industry has performed badly. Also, public invests late in a bull market. At this stage. they avoid stocks. rajeshkumar : Sir, Is Global Tele in the 'IT enabled' group of cxompanies because of the call centre business that it is in Ramesh S. Damani : Yes they are. However, I feel there are better bets. karmanya : Advise pick of value & growth stocks Ramesh S. Damani : Check the transcripts. ravirathi : CAN I TAKE GOOD POSITION IN NIFTY FUTURES -- what do u say ?? Ramesh S. Damani : Sure it is liquid and if you have a view do it. sadagopan : Sir,does the economic slowdown in US directly affecting Indian market? Ramesh S. Damani : Yes. US is the world's largestconsumer and trading partner for many nations. When they sneeze, we catch the flu. ketan : do u feel indian hotels has run ahead rather fast. Do u feel it will correct after dec. quarter results.Or do u feel because of big investors like u it won't correct Ramesh S. Damani : At Rs 125 Indian Hotels had amarket cap of Rs 500 crores. That is absurd. Leela was valued at Rs 1000 crores. Its just cheap bad results or no. orpheus : Rameshji peechle ek mahiney mein DOW aur Nasdaq 20% utha kaise. Unhe aisa kya dikhai de raha hain jo hum dekh nahin pa rahe hain ? Ramesh S. Damani : Even Sensex has risen 700 points or 20%. Markets have their own logic virus : Dear Sir, how do u find stock of Vysya Bank ?? IN last two days it has going 40% Ramesh S. Damani : I don't follow it. orpheus : Ramesh and what is the market logic which leads to this 20% rise over the last one month or so Ramesh S. Damani : The prices were discounting the worst. SHRIKANT : DO YOU THINK THAT OUR ECONOMY HAS BRIGHT FUTURE IN THE ENSUING YEAR? Ramesh S. Damani : Not bright., But it will chug along. Until we handle corruption and respect laws, we are going to struggle. boheii : Why do most of your tips in CNBC fail? Ramesh S. Damani : That is an unfair comment. smitha : MAY I KNOW WHAT IS YOUR SUGGESTION ABOUT INVESTING IN ICCI Ramesh S. Damani : I am not enthusiastic about it at the current time. coolrks : ramesh u have nay concern which provide consultancy in share trading if that is so please give me the no.i wanna to be customer Ramesh S. Damani : Thanks. But I like to use this space to discuss ideas and not solicit business. Sorry. silverinvestor : Per capita consumption of shaving blades in Bangaladesh(even after having so many bearded people)is higer than in India.Why is Gellete not doing that great.Is it because of Duracell? Ramesh S. Damani : That is part of the reason. Equity is bloated. tara_j19@rediff.com : What do u think are qualities that one is required to possess in oreder to become a STOCK BROKER??? hope am not askin u to disclose ur USP Ramesh S. Damani : Financial discipline. udu : Advcie on L&T Ramesh S. Damani : I would hold it out here. However management is not doing enough. boheii : Is tata power a safe investment ..maybe a hedge in declining markets Ramesh S. Damani : Yes it would be. BALA : WILL THE MARKET STABILISE AT THESE LEVELS Ramesh S. Damani : I believe it good head higher. Sajit : Hi! Ramesh..Would you like to comment on the effects of Enron filling chapter 11 and effects it will haveon the financial markets with respect to citicorp and other financial institutions who are going to burn their hands here Ramesh S. Damani : The US is a resilient market. It will withstand it. Loss and profit is a part of the business. tara_j19@rediff.com : How precisely do u estimate financial discipline??? is it good management of finance or a diverse knowelde bout scrips??? please elucidate Ramesh S. Damani : Knowing youir limits. Keeping aware of your client's positions. Being careful and conscious of your obligations. Thanks all for joining. See you next week. Bye. Join the Ramesh S Damani chat every Tuesday at 1600 IST. ALSO SEE: