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Questions Group Captain D N Ganesh didn't answer

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:29 IST)
megaa .. anything that makes money in the US rules .. simple .. practical .. real.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:29 IST)
Indian: The fact is that India has not produced enuf economic growth to mesmerize the Americans in the same way China has. Another thing, why should they take bribes from us, when they know that they can get far more by making bribes to us. In other words, they don't need to jump thru hoops for us to get our economic concessions, when they know that there are plenty of 5th columnists in India who will sell India out to them for the right price.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:30 IST)
then Why is MSFT being sued for monopoly, if Companies rule the country???

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:32 IST)
Sanjai .. you ARE coming around!! You ARE seeing the truth! THAT is why I propose the TWO pronged approach. Opening up the economy includes making the bureaucracy an aid .. as opposed to an opposition! Change the rules so that India becomes investor friendly (NOT just to FIs - but to REAL investors). Turn the labour laws around so that companies can be closed with the same ease that they can be opened up.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:33 IST)
megaa .. it is very difficult to keep on making monopoly profits. THAT is why MSFT is being sued. Monopoly profits = bad publicity for the administration. Simple. And that OVER RIDES the benefits that MSFT has to the economy.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:33 IST)
Indian: India hasn't even gotten off its rear end to get us enuf electricity to attract Bill Gates to lobby for us. We're an infrastructure-weak country --- why would Bill Gates lobby for us? The US media are the ones who like to play us -- they go and mischeivously hint that "India looks like it's wavering on reforms" everytime we don't salute Uncle Sam. Can you imagine -- the nerve of some people.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:33 IST)
Agree with Sanjai.. India has no strategy to speedup the economy. what will US companies do in india. No oil to be rigged, oil price is already dipped. Indian govt should work towards improvement in quality of life - better roads, water, sanitation, and Tech development. And STOP passing resolutions on Kosovo and Chile.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:34 IST)
Sanjai .. if we do not have an infrastructure .. WHY do we go about making a fool of ourselves suing Enron?

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:35 IST)
Sanjai .. especially when there was a clause in the agreement between Mah. and Enron .. that ANY law suit would be in London .. and ALL the cards were stacked against India .. why go ALL OUT to rile up an investor? THAT is the approach that MUST change.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:37 IST)
Indian: Waitasec, don't issue an open-house sign to every carpetbagger that the West has to offer. Remember their great con-job that they pulled on Russia? Their cunning little economic analysts kept "prescribing" all sorts of advice to "help" the Russian economy. Help Russia into bankruptcy and dependency, so that it would become subservient to them. Haven't you read the latest headlines today? When Russia was resisting them on Kosovo issues, they quickly trotted out the nasty little hints that Russia might not get loans if it doesn't cooperate. Those greedy loan-sharks.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:38 IST)
and stop day-dreaming about becoming Software superpower without making any computer hardware. people worry more about Politics than Defence. More about Cricket than Economy. worry more about USELESS than REAL PROBLEMS.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:40 IST)
Sanjai .. *lol* .. of course, that is there. Which is why I am saying (read back) this must be a phased opening up of the Indian economy. And we MUST have safeguards in place so that a SEAsian crisis is not triggered by over anxious and greedy INDIAN investors. We have to ensure that our short term loans are well within control. The comparison between Russia and us is valid .. but India is leagues ahead of Russia in terms of accounting, banking and other financial infrastructure. Which means it will be that much more difficult for the Western banks to rule the Indian financial roost.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:41 IST)
Indian: You have to remember -- even the US business journals play games with the truth. Hey, propaganda in economic journalism is just as common as it is in geo-political reporting. Sure, the Maharashtra govt shouldn't have picked a fight with Enron, but the US business journals played it to their own advantage too. They ignored the fact that Enron was massively overcharging India, due to sugarplum concessions that were inappropriately granted to it.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:41 IST)
Bottom line is that India is poised to take off .. however, we need to get our beloved bureaucrats to undertand this. And our buffalo herd mentality politicians to realise it.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:42 IST)
Guys, have you ever read some of articles by Indians who write for Businessweek and the Wall Street Journal? Those guys are Toms, that's for sure. Did you read what that jerk Sanjeev Kripalani wrote, after India detonated nukes? What a rotten little colonial sepoy.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:43 IST)
Sanjai .. nope .. unfortunately I didn;t read that. Missed it.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:43 IST)
Indian and Sanjai: unusal for a chat session - sense and sensibilites here!! impressed!!

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:44 IST)
megaa .. Let me tell you .. I hold Sanjai in the highest esteem .. he articulates his points of view VERY well .. unfortunately he tends to get carried away! Read his posts on the CNN message boards .. VERY GOOD!!

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:45 IST)
Indian: The fact is that India should not be going out of its way to open up its consumer market to outsiders. It's always the infrastructure sector that needs to be addressed first. We need infrastructure investment, and should focus on that. There's no advantage to us to be opening up our consumer market to outsiders -- that should be last on our list. And instead we made it the first. We're suckers for every carpetbagger that's out there.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:46 IST)
I read NYT regularly - Celia Dugger is such a liar. She said Sonia Gandhi cooked hot food for Indira during emergency and 1971 war!! anycase, all NYT writers lie about India - even John Burns

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:46 IST)
Sanjai .. AGREED!! 100% !! The infrastructure carrot is WHAT we need to dangle before these dollar hungry capitalists. But the politicians were in for some QUICK deals. And Coke, whatever you might say, is DEFINITELY more popular than Enron .. or AT&T .. or whatever.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:48 IST)
How about chatting more often guys, someplace regularly! found it very interesting.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:48 IST)
megaa: NYT is a hotbed for aggressive special interests lobbies. I think we all know about Barbara Crossette, and her pro-Azadi fixations. What a witch. She won't even give our viewpoint any consideration whatsoever.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:50 IST)
Unfortunately we do NOT have principled politicians. Regardless of WHO is there .. a few consummables CAN be al;lowed into India .. as long as .. at least 5 times that amount is into infrastructure.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:50 IST)
what is pro-Azadi??? I bet, reading NYT articles on India make my blood boil. so much misinformation and lies after lies. bitterly against BJP and pro-Sonia.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:52 IST)
Indian: That's because Indians are too quick to listen to the advice of Western economists. Remember -- when Western economists give advice to India, it's usually to bring maximum benefit to Western economies, and not to the Indian economy. Those people are all carbaggers, for the most part. Look at how badly they hoodwinked the Russians. Hideous. Whenever a Western economist gives direct advice to Indians, ALWAYS take it with a grain of salt.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:53 IST)
NYT international section is entirely devoted to promote Israeli interests.. that is my impression. It makes me sick to know that NYT is so reputed and quoted often by other media outlets.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:53 IST)
Sanjai .. Exactly .. we have to learn to think for ourselves .. and throw a few crumbs .. at a time .. but we must also be mindful NOT to stop throwing those crumbs. After all, the Western politicians also need something to show theire people right? All this MUST be borne in mind when dealing .. principles are all good .. when you have DOLLARS toback them up!!

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:54 IST)
Anyone interested in getrting a transcript of this chat?? .. esp. the question that did NOT get asked :-) ??

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:54 IST)
megaa: by "pro-Azadi", I mean that Barbara Crossette and much of the NYT have adopted Kashmiri separatism as their pet cause. Their articles on India are strongly one-sided, and favor the Pakistanis and separatists immensely.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:55 IST)
Indian: Which question did not get asked??

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:55 IST)
I must tell you this .. my cube mate asked me last Monday, 'so, what do you think of the end of the war'? And my response was 'which one'? .. he was taken aback .. and I blasted back .. but .. the bottom line is the Kashmir conflict is NOT being given the kind of cverage it deserves.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:55 IST)
In my opinion, it is foolish to expect anything other than promotion of Western goals from Western economists.

rajeev (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:56 IST)
any one there

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:56 IST)
Sanjai .. everything that we are saying right now will end up in the list of 'questions that were not answered' transcript. ;-)

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:57 IST)
rajeev .. apun sab idhar hai re ..

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 7:59 IST)
Indian: I don't understand why you expect, western media to give coverage to Kashmir conflict, that is too from Indian view-point. Why should they care? It is for us to take care of ourselves.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:0 IST)
Indian: Depends what kind of coverage. We don't need anything that helps Pakistan to internationalize the dispute, or that encourages UN involvement. Did you read the transcript of the conversation of the Pak officials? They're deliberately provoking this whole thing, because they're trying to get UN involvement. That's the prize they're seeking.

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:1 IST)
Indian and Sanjai: nice chatting with you guys. surely want to do it again! Bye for now.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:2 IST)
megaa .. yeah .. I know .. blind love of country .. I expect (despite what I have said so far) India, as the largest democracy in the world, to get at least a semblance of respect from USA .. the world's richest democracy.

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:4 IST)
We are continually being held hostage to the threat of UN involvement in Kashmir. It's like a sword of Damocles hanging over us. And we can't get UN Security Council membership, because the US, China and club won't let us in. They're not about to give up their precious monopoly and dilute their power by letting us in. So we have to take stock of what cards we have available to us, and start playing them in a hard-nosed way. We have nukes. Time to play the proliferation card.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:4 IST)
Sanjai .. I read the transcript .. man .. I was infuriated!! Where did they get this from? Why didn;t they expose it earlier? Did they expect it to hatch and produce something else? I have asked Rediff to try and put the actual conversation on a REAL audio server if possible ..

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:5 IST)
Then, I hope to ask my Congressman to take a listen .. also plan to ask my Senator to take a listen ..

Ashish (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:7 IST)
Hi , Are you there ?

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:7 IST)
I am back. Sanjai: I think India should not try to get involved with UN. UN is just a creation of US. Pursuing UN P-status is a totally useless goald for India at this stage. Rather, India should try to become independet E and M wise. (E-economy, M-Military hardware) and may be create another UN or something. It is a big waste of time and resource to go after the present UN P-membership.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:9 IST)
megaa .. RIGHT ON!!! Another of my points!! I love this .. India should NOT pursue the Security Councile Permanent seat .. the future of the world lies in the economically strong .. NOT the ones that seat the Security Council!

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:9 IST)
India is BIG enough and PEOPLE are technologically capable of being scaling higher and higher on thier own. Give them strategic direction and infrastructure.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:10 IST)
One thing India can start pursuing strongly RIGHT NOW, is the ISRO thing, launch vehicle .. that should bring in a lot of foreign exchange!

PirKhanDurrani (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:12 IST)
Hey hey hey

megaa (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:12 IST)
Having a competing UN is good for India. Creates thousands of direct and indirect jobs on Indian soil out of the money given by member countries. See, this UN. Though US pays a lot of money, most jobs are US people.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:13 IST)
PKD .. hey hey hey!!

Sanjai Kukreti (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:13 IST)
Indian: The fact is that US politicians who've hared of the Kashmir issue are quite aware that Pakistan and its mujahedin are behind the trouble. But they won't say too much against Pakistan, because they know that it's in the US national interest to retain Pakistan's goodwill to go after Central Asian oil. Besides, none of them can resist the temptation to use the Kashmir dispute as a means of calling for the disarming of both Pakistan and India. When we complained back in the 1980s about Pak developing nukes, the Americans deceitfully told us there was nothing to worry about. Now that they have cleverly allowed Pak to nuclearize, it's a way for them to neutralize us. Because the Kashmir dispute gives them the excuse to call for India's de-nuclearization, along with Pak's. A clever ploy.

Indian (Mon Jun 14 1999 8:13 IST)
PKD .. this is the address for the alternate chat server ..