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The Lal Kishenchand Advani ChatQuestions that were left unansweredRediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, one year later, do you believe your government has been profoundly different -- on the ground level, where it matters to the common man -- from the preceding ones? If yes, how, and where? Can you elaborate? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Malani wrote: Advaniji, when can we expect social security for all Indians on the lines of Western countries? It will give respectability and maintain a minimum level of living standard. Rediff@Bombay: Sajid Bhombal wrote: Mr Advani, the problem is not your adversaries, the problem is from your own coalition partner. You and other BJP leaders repeatedly told us before the election that your coalition was different from Gujral's because you had a pre-poll adjustment. So what went wrong? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Durjoy wrote: When Pakistan makes false accusations against India, of atrocities on Muslims, in the United Nations and on international platforms, why does India always avoid the issue by saying, "This is not a right place to discuss bilateral issues"? Don't you think the whole world assumes that India is accepting the blame and has nothing to say? Do you think you are home minister for only Muslims since you have nothing to do for the hapless Kashmiri Hindus? DURJOY1@aol.com Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Avinash wrote: My son Shreya wants to know why there is so much crime in Delhi. Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Sajid Bhombal wrote: Mr Advani, you said something about achievements, now here is what Mr Jay Dubashi says about your govt -- "The political scene is messy, and the BJP government's performance has been none too happy". (Rediff, 3rd March 1999). Your comments please. Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani: Dr Bhavender Paul Sharma, San Mateo, CA, USA, wrote: When does your govt plan to introduce legislation for India to switch to a presidential form of govt? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Srikanth asked: 1. Do you think it is possible anywhere in the world that a person with an acquired residential status will be able to (allowed to) head a country? What do you think is the foremost reason for the attitude of the public even talking about Sonia Gandhi being made the prime minister of India? 2. Given a chance now, will you or the BJP enter into an alliance with the AIADMK for the next election? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Ritesh wrote: Good afternoon Advaniji. Instead of the exchange of allegations between the Defence Minister and the ousted Admiral, wouldn't it be better if the facts came out and the people feel that the government's decision was justified? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, an in-house question:-)) Jayalalitha had said some time ago, when she was a dependable ally, that the home ministry was being headed by an "unfit" person. You never really reacted to that one. Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Ashish Gupta asked: It has been seen lately over the past couple of years that governments come and go. They do not last their full term in office. The reasons are several, but the most evident one is that the Indian polity is in the hands of petty politicians out to make deals for themselves (without bothering about the country's future). It is simple enough that the country just cannot afford Lok Sabha elections before a complete term of five years, not to mention that it costs the country about Rs6 billion for each election. Is there a way (through some kind of legislation) that a government is made to last for a full term (5 years)? Can a law be made that the coalition that evolves after each election should be for a minimum period of 5 years? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Karthik Subbiah asked: Advaniji, is the internal security of our country at peril? Why is it that there is much news about militant fundamentalists in Tamilnadu and Kerala? Is there a co-ordinated effort to eliminate them? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Kashyap1 asked: Mr Advani: Do you view China as a) a competitor or ally in advocating an open economy and inviting foreign investment, or b)as a neighbouring country which has previously attacked India? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Shaikh Aamir asked: Advaniji: Why have you been branded as the communal face of the BJP whereas Vajpayee has been projected as the secular face? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Sajid asked: "We did not do violence, violence was done against us" says the BJP president in AsiaWeek. Mr Advani could you please elaborate, what is this "they & us"? Rediff@Bombay: Mr Advani, Nigu asked: Mr Advani: You have been often termed as Sardar Patel. How do u feel about it? And moreover, Patel had a very clear stance on Kashmir and thanks to that Kashmir is a part of our country. But since you have taken over nothing has improved in Kashmir, isn't it? sanjay Trivedi: As a responsible Indian citizen I am worried about the future of the govt at the Centre after the recent spate of rumours about Jaya's withdrawal of support. What makes the BJP so confident of getting over the crisis unhurt? nikhil: Why did you acquit the Bajrang Dal of any role in the Staines murder before even the ministerial team visited the site? Is it not true you are always trying to be one up on Vajpayeeji? James: Sir, the political leadership of India has not been able to solve the Kashmir problem for 52 yrs. Can you define what is a realistic solution to the problem? Chand: Hello, I would like to know what is your government doing for the eastern region of India. For ex. the problem with terrorism, also misgovernment of Bihar. vibhas amawate: How do you believe is the governance of BJP different from any other party's governance? Shashi Shekhar: The current instability is due to a. "Lack of Bottoms-Up-Democracy" b. "Absence of Checks & Balances c. "Absence of Bi-Partisanship" . What is your response to reform this? Raj Makhijani: Mr Advani, Congratulations on calling Jayalalitha's bluff. Do you think it is worth the while to always be subject to various types of blackmail from the many "allies" to stay in power. Would it not be better for the BJP to stay out and watch the various "secular" parties trying to form a govt? Sandeep Dhawan: Sir, the BJP has always been preaching that it is a party with a difference. Now with the past one year of experience, in which the BJP has been involved in a lot of mud sloughing or trying to retain power by any means, how will you justify your statement when you go to the common people? dhuli: Sir, are we planning to sign the CTBT by the September '99 deadline? If yes, what are our compulsions? Also, why is it that nobody is talking about our PERMANENT seat in the UN Security Council? Please throw some light on this. KANDASWAMY KIRUBANIDHI: The million-dollar question: how is the govt going to get the numbers on the floor of the House? Will you teach the self-interested politician a lesson she may not forget sooner than later, that is, if you survive the vote, by speeding up the genuine cases against her? Amit Ray: Mr Advani, if your government survives the present crisis (I hope for the sake of the country it does) what will the government do differently now? Will it have the guts to at least bring corrupt Jaya behind bars to show truth is right? big_indian: Why did your govt sack Bhagwat? Is it right to sack a chief of staff like that? N K Dabral: Hon'ble Home Minister, what are you thinking about the creation of Uttarakhand state? I think not a single BJP minister will win the next election from Uttarakhand. Please think about it seriously. Express your views, please. lavi: Mr Advani, as a member of the Sindhi community I don't specifically see you doing anything for us. It's time we got our rightful place in this country. Please comment. lavi: I would like to offer you my congratulations for snubbing Jayalalitha like that. Now if we could just kick her out of this country... Nivedit: Sir, has your govt succeeded in rooting out corruption? Hansal Mehta: Sir, shouldn't there be a retirement age for politicians & ministers? Hansal Mehta: Does politics and governance have to be so heavily shrouded in secrecy? Where is the transparency? Hansal Mehta: The lack of transparency has made the people so distrustful of politicians...Wake up or is it too late? Nivedit: BJP also has lot of bad guys. How can u say your party is clean? Rajeev: Hon'ble Home Minister, when is the Cabinet declaring Dearness Allowance for the central government employees, which is due from January 1999? rakesh: Sir, I think the country has had enough of JJ. Ramkumar: Advaniji . Jai Ram Ji Ki!! Have we taken any steps to establish the party by itself in the southern states? What are the statuses of the Jayalalitha corruption cases and the Bofors investigation now? JaiHind: Why is the govt NOT revealing the atrocities upon Hindus in Kashmir, North-east & Bangladesh, and showing determination to redress them? Is the govt only for Muslims & Christians like the Congress and Janata Dal? DURJY CHOWDHURY: Advaniji , according to the great historian Purushottom Nagesh Oak, Muslim invaders buried a Shiva Linga under the stairs of the Jumma Masjid so that Muslims could step over a Hindu god every time they go to the masjid. Is it true? Ramana Murthy: Namaskar Advaniji: Could you kindly inform us of all the ISI units which have been put out of business, J&K and communal riots under your leadership? DURJY CHOWDHURY: Dear Advaniji , the great historian P N Oak also presented reasonable proof that the Taj Mahal was a Hindu temple, Teja Mahal. Is it true? JaiHind: Advaniji....why are the India Govt and missions in USA not publicising the activities of the mercenaries in Kashmir and the dubious role of the UK and USA in supporting terrorist Pakistan? R Vaidhya: Hello! Advaniji, why were efforts not made early to convince All-India ADMK general secretary J Jayalalitha on the Bhagwat issue? Do you think Ms JJ's ministers' withdrawal from the government is pre-planned? Why did your govt support Ms JJ in all her corruption cases? DURJY CHOWDHURY: Advaniji When Babar attacked the Ram temple of Ayodhya, 174,000 Hindus were killed to conquer and destroy the temple, which was then turned into the Babri Mosque. Why did the BJP not circulate this history? dhuli: Dear Advaniji: Why and what is it that is the most common reason for delays in projects -- international airports, power plants, etc. Is it a lack of funds or is it because of a lack of will? I desperately want to know WHY we have to suffer endless delays! dhuli: Dear Advaniji: I am a regular middle-class guy who studied in English-medium schools and grew up all over India. What should I (or other urban hybrids like me) do to get into politics? Do we need money and muscle power to begin with? dhuli: Sir, are we planning to sign the CTBT by the September 1999 deadline? If yes, what are our compulsions? Also, why is it that nobody is talking about our permanent seat in the UN Security Council? Please throw some light on this? mayank: dear advaniji, how can you react with such terrifying chilliness to the barbaric murder of Graham Stains and his kids and why are the goons of the Bajrang Dal still free thus creating doubts about your commitment to get India rid of its label as a soft state? JaiHind: Advaniji.... If Article 370 cannot be scrapped outright due to political compulsions, why can't we provide arms to Kashmiri Hindu victims for self defence? (Also why is it that the fencing of the border is taking so long?) Eswhar: Advaniji, today you have indicated that you may not have the numbers, so does that mean you are going to convince Jayalalithaji once more. why: The last time I was going for your jugular. Now I find you on the same side, battling the rabble that constitutes your supporters. Well, good for you. The honest way is never about a popularity contest Eswhar: Advaniji, do you think that in the present Lok Sabha anyone other than the BJP could form an alternative government? big_indian: lallo se darke bharat ki janta kahan kahan pahunchi aur tu yahan pahuncha? DURJY CHOWDHURY: Advaniji , all murder investigation typically starts from interrogating the beneficiary of the murder. The Congress and Sonia Gandhi were the only beneficiaries of the murder of the Australian missionary in Orissa. Why is Sonia not interrogated in that case? She is the prime suspect indeed. Eshwar: Yesterday Mr George Fernandes came out firing at Admiral Bhagwat. Don't you think, Sir, that this should have been done earlier? Ramkumar: It's time Bofors is completely known to the country! We want the culprits punished. Srikanth: Advaniji: When are we going to see quickness in the way criminal cases are dealt with in the country? Is anybody doing anything to reduce the voluminous number of pending cases in the country? Srikanth: Advaniji: What are you doing to eliminate the ever-growing mafia operating from so-called friendly countries? JaiHind: A Christian's hut-church destroyed in India is big news in the US media, but 20 Hindus killed by Muslims in Kashmir on February 20 is not news in India-Abroad, the US media, or even in the Indian media. Why is the BJP also silent, unlike in Mr Stains's case? satyendra: Advaniji, when will Delhi be crime-free? It is you in charge now. JaiHind: Satyendra... law and order in Delhi is under Shiela Dixit's govt. (Advani has nothing to do with it.) satyendra: Mr jai hind, I want to let you know that law and order doesn't comes under the Delhi govt -- it is the central govt. which is responsible. Bhushan Khare, Pune: BEST OF LUCK . YOU NEED IT . satyendra: When will the homeless Hindus of Kashmir get nice living quarters so that they can leave the Jantar Mantar? ramu: Advaniji, don't you think it is better that the BJP lets go this govt & works hard at getting a majority next time than working with these jokers (like Jayalalitha)? Srikanth: Advaniji: What do you have to say for those of us who loved you as True Patriot but are disappointed in your performance as Home Minister? Is it only an impression or has it some truth?