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The Atal Bihari Vajpayee Chat![]() A houseful audience, questions on issues ranging from the BJP's policies to the political future of the country - we got them all. As for Mr Vajpayee's responses, they were... well, why wait, read them for yourself.
By the way, you know of course that he is a front-runner in the Rediff Poll for Personality of the Year? Which reminds us, if you haven't logged in there and voted for the person you think is the Indian of the year, what are you waiting for? Do it now!
mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:14:59 1996 IST):
koi hai kyaa? mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:15:30 1996 IST):
early mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:15:57 1996 IST):
shud be a good chat mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:16:38 1996 IST):
no censorship we hope (this is not a chat with c m ibrahim...) Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:17:13 1996 IST):
Mog chat begins at 8:00 mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:17:29 1996 IST):
ding? mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:18:28 1996 IST):
yeah i know that suparn just talking to myself and hows things?
Happy New Year and all that jazz...do you get down to Delhi, ever??
Are you IN Delhi for this one??? Madhup (Tue Dec 24 19:19:01 1996 IST):
Is Mr. Vajpayee expected on time? any news as yet
mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:20:29 1996 IST):
I think this chat shud break all attendance records lately...
I have 11 people attending here, that is a lot of rum and
lime you owe me Suparn ?? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:20:52 1996 IST):
Hi Madhup.......Mog no not me, I'm in good ole Bombay for this one though the chat is in Delhi, so even this time there are five six guys sharing a terminal like the Farooq Abdullah chat? mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:22:06 1996 IST):
chalo off to the Opium Den then...Suparn, you shud try this OD software for chats (on havens like The Opium Den) moves FAAAAST and it's
free for the picking if you are interested. Just search The Opium Den or http://www.hemi.com Madhup (Tue Dec 24 19:22:15 1996 IST):
Is Mr. Vajpayee expected on time? any news as yet
mog but also hindoo (Tue Dec 24 19:24:00 1996 IST):
see sharing terminal means basically this is still a brave
new world thing here...a lot of my friends (sarkari types esp...) have it in office but getting a line during the day is tough plus the level of knowledge is close to nil...so i log in (amidst line breaks/NoCarriewrs) and we do our stuff...what all is taboo today in your opinion?? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:24:18 1996 IST):
Madhup yes Mr Vajpayee is expected on time....everything is on schedule......so what do you do?.......Mog: Thanks mate sure will try out the chat software you mentioned Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:25:33 1996 IST):
MOG: There is no such thing as taboo in my opinion, though we are lead by the beliefs of others so it depends on how much of a follower are you? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:30:03 1996 IST):
Hey, Madhup? Madhup, as in, Madhup Rathi? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:31:59 1996 IST):
Hi Prem Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:32:35 1996 IST):
Hiya Suparn... :-) Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:34:13 1996 IST):
I hope MOG's prediction about the attendance is true Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:38:44 1996 IST):
Hi Prem, Hi Suparn Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:39:17 1996 IST):
Hi Tulsi where are you from? Rashmi (Tue Dec 24 19:40:28 1996 IST):
Hello everyone :-) Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:41:24 1996 IST):
Hi Rashmi Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 19:41:45 1996 IST):
Namaskar every body and Atalji, if he is there. Madhup (Tue Dec 24 19:41:55 1996 IST):
Hi Prem, Yes I am Madhup as in Madhup Rathi.
By the way, did you receive my mail on quotas.
any brief comments Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:42:14 1996 IST):
I'm here, does anything else really matter? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:42:21 1996 IST):
H'lo Tulsi, how's doings? Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:42:59 1996 IST):
I'm here, does anything else really matter? kshitij (Tue Dec 24 19:43:15 1996 IST):
Hi all, is atalji here yet? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:43:19 1996 IST):
Avadesh: He will be here in another fifteen minutes Prabir K Basu (Tue Dec 24 19:43:26 1996 IST):
When is Mr. Vajpayee expected here? Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 19:43:43 1996 IST):
Hi Prem: It is ACS here after cricket let us have some politics or policies or India? When Atalji is expected? Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:43:54 1996 IST):
Avadesh, Hi! Mr Vajpayee is not here yet. Tell me, what does your name mean? It's pretty unusual. Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:43:56 1996 IST):
THE CHAT BEGINS IN FIFTEEN MINUTES Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:44:34 1996 IST):
Hi Kshitij, how're you? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:45:42 1996 IST):
Hiya, Madhup..got your mail...will respond via mail, by Thursday... don't want to start a cricket thing going in here, or Suparn will throw me out. kshitij (Tue Dec 24 19:46:06 1996 IST):
Hi all, is atalji here yet? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:46:12 1996 IST):
Hi, Avadesh... how's doings? :-) ![]()
Tulsi: It is surprizing to get question from Tulsi. Do you know Tulsidas, who has written RAMCHARTMANAS and KAVITAWALI two great books almost 3-400 years back. He has used Avadhesh as king or lord of AYodhya so it a synonym of Shri Ram Chnder ji. I hope you get it now. Madhup (Tue Dec 24 19:47:27 1996 IST):
Prem, you want to keep cricket out. Do you?
Let Atalji come, till then other political cricket administrator
CAN get some battering from us. Uuh!! kshitij (Tue Dec 24 19:47:38 1996 IST):
Hi Tulsi, things are great, didn't realise we're all early...
Anyone in London? Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:48:02 1996 IST):
Hi Prem, pretty good at this end. What about you? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:48:12 1996 IST):
Kshtij: He will be here shortly........you could start by keying in one question so that he sees your question the first thing he comes in and it gets answered kshitij (Tue Dec 24 19:48:21 1996 IST):
Hi Tulsi, things are great, didn't realise we're all early...
Anyone in London? Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 19:48:45 1996 IST):
Prem: Just waiting for my presnt favorite politician and trying to capture his attention for my questions. kshitij (Tue Dec 24 19:48:53 1996 IST):
Hi Tulsi, things are great, didn't realise we're all early...
Anyone in London? Ramana (Tue Dec 24 19:49:32 1996 IST):
Hi guys...waiting for atalji Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:49:54 1996 IST):
Hey, thanks, Avadesh. I don't know that. You know, I'm fascinated by unusual names. So where are you based; what do you do? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:50:14 1996 IST): Tulsi>> doing fine, thanks. And hey, compliments of the season, and all the best for the new year... :-)
Madhup...*grin* Not keep cricket out, precisely... just that since I have to spend the five days beginning December 26 talking only cricket, I thought I would give myself a bit of a break here... :-) Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:50:41 1996 IST):
Kshitij: Yeah, but it's kinda nice to build up the tempo, isn't it? Hi, Ramana! Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:51:31 1996 IST):
Thanks Prem. All the very best to you too. :-) Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:51:32 1996 IST):
Avadesh> So Mr Vajpayee is your fave pol? Tell me, how do you perceive him... I mean, just curious to know what perspective distance confers on the man? And while we are about it, who are the other pols you like/dislike? Madhup (Tue Dec 24 19:51:33 1996 IST):
Prem, did you know, that I am die-hard BJP man?
And Atalji's avid follower as well. ssr (Tue Dec 24 19:52:32 1996 IST):
hey, prem, aren't you the guy who talks cricket all the time? really, don't you find that BORING!! Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 19:52:35 1996 IST):
Tulsi: Basically I am Bhartiya and has home in hear tof Bharat, i.e., New Delhi and Presently I am in Chicago, from where I just log in. What about you? Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:52:55 1996 IST):
Say, sorry to butt into the conversation, Madhup, but what it about Atalji that you like so much? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:53:00 1996 IST):
Madhup> Didn't know that till now... how do you assess the BJP's chances of making the big time, and forming a government at the Centre? And what kind of time frame would you see this happening in? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:53:38 1996 IST):
Hey Prem I think you are a part of an impromptu Rediff Star chat session huh?? Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:53:47 1996 IST):
I'm Bharatiya, too, and located in good old Bharat. Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:54:01 1996 IST):
I'm Bharatiya, too, and located in good old Bharat. CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 19:54:08 1996 IST):
Is Mr Vajpayee in? Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:54:16 1996 IST):
ssr>> I don't "talk cricket all the time", just do a ball by ball commentary when India is playing. As for finding it boring... :-) it happens to be one of the reasons why I draw a monthly paycheck, and doesn't hurt that I like the game... so... :-) ssr (Tue Dec 24 19:55:08 1996 IST):
ssr.. well good to see you doing something worthwhile now... Vajpayee chat, I mean... Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:55:12 1996 IST):
Suparn>> Down south, they have this practise of having rabble rousers go babbling on till the real politico arrives and gets started... I guess I'm kinda in that kind of a situation now... *L* Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:55:46 1996 IST):
Common Man he will be in , in sometime...... Prem (Tue Dec 24 19:55:55 1996 IST):
ssr>> Thank you kindly, sir! *bowing deep* Suparn (Tue Dec 24 19:56:40 1996 IST):
LOL......Atleast this crowd is not rowdy, nor do they expect a speech.....they are the lucky ones who will be getting answers for a change!!! Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 19:57:36 1996 IST):
Hey, isn't it eight already? Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 19:57:59 1996 IST):
Prem: Liking for Ataji, never developed like pro BJP of jansanghi, but his way of life and ideology and mature political thinking beyond pseudosecularism attracted me the most. Since my early childhood, I had an inmate attraction towards him, however, i donot know whether he is just like our political heros like Subhash or not? However, in the present political scenerio, i really do not give attention to political leaders except Atalji and PVN. PVN? feeling surpized beacuase he is learned man and matures politicaina nd given Indian economy a broad prospective to libe in this competitive society. Ramana (Tue Dec 24 19:58:17 1996 IST):
Hi guys...waiting for atalji Madhup (Tue Dec 24 19:58:24 1996 IST):
If I look at it optimistically, next election would
surely give them power, if not absolute majority.
Pessimistically, the next one after this, is a sure-shot chance.
I say this, because,
1)two big states, UP and Bihar are now practically in their pockets.
2)they would be able to form an alternative UF, along with
reqional parties, currently in or out of UF. CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 19:59:11 1996 IST):
Many Many Happy returns of the Day, in advance, Vajpayeji
So How do you feel on reaching 70 Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 19:59:21 1996 IST):
Tulsi: From where in Bharrat? Ramana (Tue Dec 24 19:59:42 1996 IST):
Never cared for PVN. A man who disgraced the high office he held..not my type...sorry. Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 20:00:16 1996 IST):
Avadhesh: Bangalore Sailesh@ Sweden (Tue Dec 24 20:00:52 1996 IST):
Namaskar to Everyone (including ABVPji if he is in already)! CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 20:01:20 1996 IST):
Suparn : i heard that our guest today is very witty
Do you think we'll get answers (honest ones) Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 20:02:16 1996 IST):
Hey, how about singing for ABV when he comes in? Sailesh@ Sweden (Tue Dec 24 20:02:44 1996 IST):
Can someone inform if the guest of honor and still to be born PM is in already? CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 20:03:13 1996 IST):
Hi Avadesh.. How's Bangalore.. (Sorry for speaking
out of topic, but its my hometown) Suparn (Tue Dec 24 20:03:17 1996 IST):
Common Man: YOu'll get answers, and they will be honest(honestly its a statement that you'll have to judge for yourself when he answers your questions, but yes Mr Bajpayee should be an experience. Amit Rawat (Tue Dec 24 20:03:24 1996 IST):
Is Mr. Vajpayee here? Atal Bihari Vajpayee (Tue Dec 24 20:04:17 1996 IST):
This is Redif Delhi announcing Mr vajpayee's Arrival in our chat room. Shoot your questions now. Amit Rawat (Tue Dec 24 20:04:17 1996 IST):
Is Mr. Vajpayee here? CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 20:04:40 1996 IST):
Namaskar Sailesh...
Be patient.. He's one of those politicians who keep upto their commitments (It's not yet 8) Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 20:04:49 1996 IST):
Ramana: PVN: the man in whose tenure sabki kalai khul gai. Do you think it not the fruit of nehru, indira and later Rajiv dynaty. do't forget these are the people who threw our nation in Indian ocean and now you punish PVN and don't talk about these fellows. Will you care to talk about the money this family has in their pockets. No because of a widow who sits in the Palaces of this dynasty and we indian shy to abuse the dead, whether they are dead wrong. Sekhar (Tue Dec 24 20:05:44 1996 IST):
Hi everyone,
I just cant believe that I will be talking to the best man in indian Politics. Bravo Rediff! Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 20:05:49 1996 IST):
Tulsi: A very good city bangalore and now coming on International News almost known every where. kalyan kakati (Tue Dec 24 20:05:53 1996 IST):
Hello Everyone! Madhup (Tue Dec 24 20:05:53 1996 IST):
Suparn, How much time do we have?
Secondly, do you plan to divide time for specific issues, so that it does not become a KHICHADI.
If you agree I can suggest some topics, which JANATA can follow while asking questions.
Tulsi (Tue Dec 24 20:06:08 1996 IST):
Happy birthday to you in advance, sir! I wish to point out that though I thoroughly dislike the political party you belong to, you are one of my favourite politicians. Amit Rawat (Tue Dec 24 20:06:36 1996 IST):
Atal Ji, What do you think about BJP's chance in winning the next elections? kalyan kakati (Tue Dec 24 20:07:21 1996 IST):
I am writing from New York City, Has Mr. Vajpayee joined us ?
CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 20:07:26 1996 IST):
Or rather statesman....
Anyone remembers his speech at the UN. I am unfortunate. I came to my senses a bit too late...
Varinder Sharma (Tue Dec 24 20:07:30 1996 IST):
Hello Vajpayee Ji:
I wish you a long and a healthy life on your coming 70th birthday. I have two questions for you.
1. Because of your two weeks in office, India took a string stand on CTBT. You deserve congrats on that. Why did you stop short of declaring India as a Nuclear Power?
2. Given the demographic ingrdients of our society, would it not be better for the BJP ( and hence India) to open its doors for all in practice rather than in theory? Suparn (Tue Dec 24 20:07:43 1996 IST):
Madhup: The chat has started, but thanks for the thought. I think it will be a bit too late. So go ahead and ask your questions.:-) Sekhar (Tue Dec 24 20:07:52 1996 IST):
Hello Vajpayeeji,
Let me join the others in wishing you 'MANY MORE HAPPY RETURNS OF THE DAY". May God bless you with a long and successful career. ![]()
Hello Vajpayee Ji:
I wish you a long and a healthy life on your coming 70th birthday. I have two questions for you.
1. Because of your two weeks in office, India took a string stand on CTBT. You deserve congrats on that. Why did you stop short of declaring India as a Nuclear Power?
2. Given the demographic ingrdients of our society, would it not be better for the BJP ( and hence India) to open its doors for all in practice rather than in theory? Adiyta Chandelwal (Tue Dec 24 20:07:58 1996 IST):
Our best wishes, sir! When do you think the next elections will be held? Do you think the BJP will once again form government, hopefully for a longer period? Amit Rawat (Tue Dec 24 20:08:10 1996 IST):
Atal Ji, What do you think about BJP's chance in winning the next elections? Ramana (Tue Dec 24 20:09:06 1996 IST):
Never cared for PVN. A man who disgraced the high office he held..not my type...sorry. Madhup (Tue Dec 24 20:09:36 1996 IST):
Atalji, I am RSS swayamsevak since childhood. Not the die-hard fanatic though.
However, I dont understand why BJP should not take pride in demolishing the Ayodhya structure (not a mosque)
why does BJP unnecessarily oppose MNCs, given the lack of Capital
kalyan kakati (Tue Dec 24 20:09:40 1996 IST):
Seems like everyone is sleeping..:) Atal Bihari Vajpayee (Tue Dec 24 20:09:50 1996 IST):
Amit, Chances are bright providede we work hard and get support from people abroad like you. Suparn (Tue Dec 24 20:09:53 1996 IST):
Hey guys..........Mr. Atal Bihari Vajpayee is on the Rediff Chat Amit Rawat (Tue Dec 24 20:10:11 1996 IST):
***** Many Many Happy Returns to Atalji ***** Avadhesh Sharma (Tue Dec 24 20:11:12 1996 IST):
Namaskar Atalji:
For last ten years our parliamentarians are witnessing a Hung parliament situation. Is it the responsibility of Common man to shout against this. Why can't our parliamentarians look for a stable govt. The type of present Govt. running India at such crucial stage where both international politics and trade need a day to day close watch, Such situation are no good. Rajitha (Tue Dec 24 20:11:38 1996 IST):
Atalji, in retrospect, do you think the BJP gained from not having been able to form the government after the 1996 general elections? Will the instability of the Gowda regime further your party's prospects when another election comes along, or has the BJP missed the bus altogether? CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 20:11:55 1996 IST):
ABVPji, What do you forsee for India politically. Ramana (Tue Dec 24 20:12:10 1996 IST):
Never cared for PVN. A man who disgraced the high office he held..not my type...sorry. Kshitij (Tue Dec 24 20:12:22 1996 IST):
Namaskar Atalji
Happy Birthday to You kalyan kakati (Tue Dec 24 20:12:24 1996 IST):
What plans BJP have in dealing with Illegal Immigration Problem from Bangladesh in the North East?
Any study was done why BJP's performance was dismal in the local assembly election? kalyan kakati (Tue Dec 24 20:12:25 1996 IST):
What plans BJP have in dealing with Illegal Immigration Problem from Bangladesh in the North East?
Any study was done why BJP's performance was dismal in the local assembly election? kalyan kakati (Tue Dec 24 20:12:39 1996 IST):
What plans BJP have in dealing with Illegal Immigration Problem from Bangladesh in the North East?
Any study was done why BJP's performance was dismal in the local assembly election? ![]()
The party did not plan the demolition of the structure in Ayodhya. The people that went there went out of control and demolished the disputed structure. so far as the second question is concerned, we are not opposed to multi-nationals as such but we would like them to help us in our priority areas. Kshitij (Tue Dec 24 20:13:27 1996 IST):
Namaskar Atalji
Happy Birthday to You Sekhar (Tue Dec 24 20:14:11 1996 IST):
Atal ji,
How do you reconcile the influence of blatantly communal parties like the VHP and the Bajrang Dal and the projected secular image of the BJP? CommonMan (Tue Dec 24 20:14:20 1996 IST):
ABVPji, then what happens to your Swadeshi if you wish for support from people abroad..
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