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| February 26, 2005 |
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|  How to save $1 billion! Let's take a bow to Civil Aviation Minister Praful Patel for taking steps that have led to a fall in air fares, says .
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| February 24, 2005 |
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|  FDI in retail must be allowed 'We cannot allow the way we do things to remain frozen just because of the paranoia of the Left and Swadeshites.'
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| February 22, 2005 |
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|  No business like family business! Why family-run businesses succeed. There's more to it than just competitive advantage, business strategy and kismet.
B-school training is far from reality Let me say at the outset that I have the highest regard for an MBA programme, its thoroughness and rigour, and the way it prepares you for the real world.
5 reasons to invest in mutual funds The reasons for the big growth of the MF industry are not very hard to imagine: investors find that mutual funds are a great way of multiplying their money.
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| February 21, 2005 |
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|  VAT: The devil is in the details The VAT design is good but it still needs some hard chiselling
Mani Aiyar's real task Petroleum Minister Mani Shankar Aiyar's high-decibel efforts to woo investors as well as his pipe-dream (sorry, couldn't resist that) of getting natural gas all the way from
C B Bhave: New generation taxman Yet this chairman and managing director of the National Securities Depository Limited is the modern face of the country's tax department
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| February 19, 2005 |
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|  Trade with India: Pak to gain most For Pakistan all other deals will have only peripheral value compared to a deal with India
Why HLL's power brands failed On 11th Feb 2005, FMCG major Hindustan Level Ltd, reported its fourth quarter and full year profits. The net profit for the fourth quarter fell to Rs 333.67 crore (Rs 3.33 billion) from Rs 494.72 crore (Rs 4.94 billion) last year.
Banking to beat the market It's axiomatic that, during booms, financial entities grow quicker than the real economy.
Should a cat catch mice? The air is filled with the possibility of reforms in the administration of personal income tax.
The agony of being Chidambaram Chidambaram should do exactly as he pleases, and let the Invisible Hand sort out the mess.
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| February 17, 2005 |
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|  Challenges the Indian banks face Evidence from across the world suggests that a sound and evolved banking system is required for sustained economic development
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| February 12, 2005 |
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|  Should Indians pay more in taxes? The available evidence shows the tax-GDP ratio in India is lower than the level it should have for its per capita GDP by at least 2.5 per cent.
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| February 11, 2005 |
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|  Chinese currency: How it hits India With the yuan pegged to the dollar and not being revalued, letting the rupee appreciate will reduce the price competitiveness of the Indian exporters.
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| February 07, 2005 |
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|  Why has VSNL sued the govt? Who is to blame? Tatas who spent Rs 1,439 crore on VSNL while competitors got into the same business at a fraction of this or the telecom/divestment ministry, which mishandled affairs?
Creeping acquisitions versus an open offer The pros and cons of the recent amendments to Sebi regulations that prevent a promoter from acquiring more than 55 per cent of a company's shares.
Luxury? What it means in China It has a lot to do with owning and displaying, says .
Meeting a patent challenge S Chandrasekaran, controller general of patents, designs, trademarks and geographical indications, does not want anyone to meet Kasturba's fate.
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| February 05, 2005 |
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|  PF money in stocks? Why? The government is trying to push more domestic institutional players into the stock market, and my guess is that this is to provide a foil to the foreign institutional investors, says .
How to catch the non-taxpayer As Deng Xiaoping might have said: tax policy should concern itself with catching mice, and not with the equity of the cat.
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| February 01, 2005 |
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|  Beware of Ponzi, MLM schemes! In an illegitimate MLM scheme, the company goes about appointing distributors, but the products the distributors buy rarely get sold. The product is used as a façade to run a Ponzi scheme.
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