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| October 31, 2005 |
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|  The importance of being Bernanke Bernanke has apparently made a strong case to jettison the practice of wearing business suits at the central bank offices
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| October 29, 2005 |
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|  The RBI's balancing act The RBI has bitten the bullet rather gingerly in its busy season credit policy
SAFTA and the benefit of free trade The experiences of rapidly-growing developing countries demonstrate that protectionism only perpetuates inefficiencies and stagnation. Freer trade, by contrast, rewards ambitions across the board
Many openings in micro finance Not only are the new private sector banks and the foreign banks competing with each other to fund micro finance institutions (MFIs), now MFIs may even have access to equity.
Why does the Left attract people? Ever since the United Progressive Alliance government came to power riding on the shoulders of the Communists, a frequently asked question is: what is their appeal, why do people still get taken in by them?
Give R&D staff more prominence R&D personnel in a firm should be given more prominence in interactions within the company and with the outside world.
Market lessons from drug dealers The key to creating a mass market is lower price plus higher supply
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| October 28, 2005 |
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|  The secret behind Taj group's success There is a change process being triggered in organizations right from strategy to projects down to the data element structure itself because of the Balanced Scorecard.
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| October 27, 2005 |
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|  10 myths & facts about working in the Indian IT industry Here are the 10 myths and facts about IT industry that you must know.
The telecom miracle Not surprisingly, given such collections, India's telecom taxes are amongst the highest in the world -- in comparison to China's 0.5-3 per cent, India's telecom tax revenues range between 17 and 26 per cent.
Think beyond Bangalore, Mumbai! As India shifts towards being more services-based, our current breed of 'nation' builders have to think beyond Bangalore and Mumbai and Delhi.
The death of the Bank Rate If the RBI Governor goes on hiking the reverse repo rate, we may see the Bank Rate and the reverse repo rate converging.
Let the Bengal model shine The policy envisages that the state government can divest up to 74 per cent of its stake in a PSU to a private sector company through a strategic sale.
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| October 26, 2005 |
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|  Testing times for newspapers A revised service tax on advertising agencies will make newspapers unviable.
Innovate or perish! To survive the emerging hyper-competition across categories, FMCG companies need to make innovation an integral element of their growth plans.
Why India will grow, despite the govt The demographic dividend, reflected in declining dependency ratios, should bring an increment of 1 per cent, if not the 2 per cent of East Asia. Despite inaction by the Centre, we will accelerate to 9 per cent.
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| October 25, 2005 |
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|  How to solve India's water troubles It would be absurd to imagine that an increasingly scarce resource can be intelligently managed without significant recourse to prices and markets.
How to be a good leader B-schools provide you with a great foundation to start a career, but the school of hard knocks shapes that foundation and creates a holistic leader out of you.
Print media's best kept secret Editors can be the worst autocrats. The print media offers a nastier version of Russell's Paradox.
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| October 24, 2005 |
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|  Gowda's blunder may cost dear If Mr Gowda goes on antagonising Bangalore's IT industry in this way, he will be doing grievous damage not just to his own politics but to the state's economy as well.
Mr Aiyar, stop sniping at ONGC Dismembering ONGC by removing OVL from under it will have huge financial implications.
Connecting Bharat remains a pipedream Perhaps the best example in recent times of why the government should not be allowed to collect taxes, much less spend them, is the case of rural telephony.
Can exports propel India's growth? Exports have played a major role in the growth in the manufacturing sector, but its overall share is still low by global standards.
FDI in retail and Left's hypocrisy If large foreign retailers cause unemployment, why doesn't this hold for large Indian retailers?
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| October 18, 2005 |
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|  Who's responsible for slow PSU reforms? It is clear that public sector reforms are in a jam
What B-school teaching lacks Out of B-school, I thought breaking down a problem into smaller pieces (analysis) was the killer skill; I now realise that putting together different information points under uncertainty into a single decision (synthesis) is the hardest thing of all.
How IT can help SMEs go global It is crucial to jointly leverage internal (especially knowledge) and external (especially network) resources for SMEs to expand.
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| October 05, 2005 |
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|  It's time to switch to bio-fuels A significant fall-out of the sharp rise in petroleum prices is the renewed interest globally in looking for alternatives.
R&D firms, greatest boon for India One of the greatest boons for India in recent years has been the growing number of R&D facilities of foreign firms, making it one of the most attractive locations for conducting research.
'We need quality higher education' The government's intervention in higher education provided by private professional institutions is likely to take the form of regulating both fees and intake, that is, price and quantity (and/or quality).
The better half is not shining! The gender bias of India is not a characteristic of the poor states alone.
How India can be an entertainment hub If I were asked to single out one major obstacle to India becoming an entertainment superpower, it would be the lack of adequate trained professionals.
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| October 04, 2005 |
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|  Power reforms: hollow victory The protest against the domestic tariff increase is a timely warning to the service providers. But this awareness will be meaningful only if it is sustained and translated into active participation in the public hearings.
States need more tax powers For decentralisation to succeed, the tax powers of states and local governments need to be enlarged.
Leadership lessons for Indian cricket team While it is important to pay attention to winning matches, it is critical to pay attention to building an effective team.
What makes a good manager great An MBA arms you with the essentials of management; but the art of using these effectively depends entirely on the skills acquired outside B-school.
The woes of US airlines Surprisingly, the US airlines industry is not undergoing any consolidation. It seemed imminent in 2001-2002, but nothing major happened.
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