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| February 27, 2006 |
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|  Spending Rs 228,381 to hire a graduate! The Delhi government spent Rs 20.6 crore (Rs 206 million) to get 902 people jobs out of a total of 539,734 registered at 20 employment exchanges across the capital, at Rs 2,28,381 a piece.
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| February 25, 2006 |
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|  Let's get the advance ruling set-up to work Since the interest of the taxpayer is paramount, the Authority for Advance Ruling has to be given genuine powers to be able to function.
Does India like or loathe foreigners? Indians like and loathe foreigners at the same time, they need them but fear them. And they can get as squeamish, or racist, about takeovers as Arcelor in Luxembourg.
Should IIMs go abroad? It would be worthwhile having the leading US business schools' staff on deputation in India.
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| February 22, 2006 |
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|  Here come the hedgies Three promising hedge funds feel that access to Indian companies is better from outside than in India.
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| February 21, 2006 |
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|  Global imbalances? The call for international policy to offset pecuniary externalities is unwarranted as they are the essence of a dynamic market economy.
How to get poorer The Indian small investor is getting poorer. This is not good news. But the evidence is irrefutable. It is in the latest Reserve Bank of India report.
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| February 18, 2006 |
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|  Budget tips to simplify Cenvat The new Cenvat rules continue to be restrictive and the rigid definitions adopted make the rules complicated and will lead to a lot of litigation in the future.
Rich have no nationality The rich have no nationality. That's something the Luxembourgeois, French and Spanish, grooved in narrow ethnicity, have not realised in grappling with Lakshmi Mittal.
Can Mumbai be a regional financial hub? Pretty much everybody acknowledges that India's stock markets are much better run and better regulated than before, with up-to-date technology and trading systems, improved security and greater transparency.
How to be an 'independent' director A position as a director on a company's board needs consideration of sundry aspects relating to the firm.
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| February 15, 2006 |
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|  Case for a rail traffic controller The more crucial question, of course, pertains to the creation of a fair and efficient system of revenue-sharing between the railways and the freight corridor network
Caution! That's what India needs The present high in the business cycle is not likely to last and now is the time to prepare for the rainy day.
What hampers farm research? It's not the administrative structure, but the low level of investment.
This money stinks If 2005-06 is the year of bad taxes, 2006-07 is likely to be the year of bad expenditure.
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| February 13, 2006 |
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|  The secret to becoming rich! There is only one way to create wealth and be financially independent. And that is to choose an asset over a liability.
Does India need a single financial regulator? A single market regulator clearly has its own advantages over multiple regulators. But it is more suitable for well-developed and mature markets which are smaller in size, like the UK.
Investors, beware the IPO rally Several initial public offers have recorded handsome gains in recent times but investors need be cautious about valuations.
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| February 11, 2006 |
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|  A 'Taj Mahal' look for new airports With the airport wars heating up, the airports will only "fly" if we get a sense of splendid design into them.
How Lalu put the Railways on track Relaxing a 40-year old loading norm for wagons has increased the Railways freight-carrying capacity dramatically, and there is still room to safely hike this even more.
The trend of tax and spend Nothing is safe, it would appear, from a government bent on wasting public funds, especially if it thinks it can increase its vote share that way.
The 8% GDP solution Among the two dozen largest "emerging markets" of the world, at least 10 are now growing their GDP at 7 per cent or more.
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| February 07, 2006 |
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|  The rise of PSU chairmen The ministry's stranglehold over the PSUs and their chief executives is no longer as tight as it used to be
Budget tips for Chidambaram The challenge is in resuming on the adjustment path set in the Fiscal Responsibility and Budget Management Act.
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| February 04, 2006 |
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|  Why VAT on cigarettes may go up in smoke The Budget may allow states to levy VAT on cigarettes, but as 90% of value addition in cigarettes takes place at the manufacturing stage it means collections will be miniscule.
Brown equities, white profits Maximise tax revenue, minimise ideological purity.
Money still has a nationality It would seem that, even in the age of globalisation, money has a nationality. It is important, however, to distinguish between emotional and policy responses.
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| February 02, 2006 |
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|  4 things that could change India Four significant events took place that can have a tremendous impact on many of us in India in the coming few years.
Great attitude = great managers Beyond the management concepts and skills that you imbibe at B-school, the one critical aspect that makes or mars your career is attitude.
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