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| March 30, 2006 |
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|  Please! Let the education market grow If many of the students who now go abroad because of the lack of attractive options at home, are persuaded to stay with the Indian system, the country as a whole benefits.
How to judge a bank CEO There is nothing wrong in showing the door to non-performers. At the same time, the RBI must reward performance.
Made for a young India 'Old' India must adapt rather than impose. It must start thinking young and change its mindset. In short, it must invent 'for' India and reinvent 'in' India.
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| March 29, 2006 |
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|  India: No longer low-end BPO spot High-end financial research is the next big idea in outsourcing, and India is poised to grab a major chunk of the world outsourcing pie.
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| March 27, 2006 |
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|  Power: Trading or profiteering? The last thing you want to do is to sound like a communist and use words like trading and profiteering in the same breath, but what's happening in the power sector can be described in no other way.
Will One India plan succeed? Unless the interconnect agreements are properly regulated and monitored, the One India plan may not be sustainable.
Why everyone is interested in SEZs The state governments' stand on labour market flexibility will determine the success of the special economic zones.
SEZ = tax scam? If the SEZ becomes little more than a tax-dodge, then there is everything to be said for stopping this business in its tracks.
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| March 24, 2006 |
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|  Will Air India, Indian merger work? If the merger of Indian Airlines and Air India is being pursued in order to arrest the two airlines' loss of market share over the years
The tsunami of unemployment Now that many things that affect investment have been sorted out and investment is increasing once again, more jobs will be created.
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| March 21, 2006 |
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|  Taxing the Internet There are three broad areas of the Net that can be taxed: e-commerce, online services and online advertising.
Book that inspired Air Deccan boss Sam Walton's Made in America, which talks about the story of Wal-Mart, compensates for all the management books that I have not read.
Aptech's amazing China story In China, the government is a good partner...they enable you and enhance your presence; they are not a hindrance.
3 steps to BIG innovation What are the factors that help create a winning product? There are three key principles that companies should follow. . .
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| March 20, 2006 |
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|  Rs 1 crore p.a. Rs 1 crore: it does look odd when fresh graduates of the leading Indian Institutes of Management, who are still in their 20s, get offered close to that sum as an annual salary.
Sensex at 14K? Likely! Several domestic and international investors are waiting in the wings to make purchases at every fall.
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| March 14, 2006 |
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|  Why the French are opposing Mittal The French have to accept that the globalisation of business is here to stay, says T Thomas.
Exempting Kelkar Tax exemptions are aimed to meet certain development objectives, and a policy of abstaining from tax exemption is synonymous with vitiating these objectives.
Do B-schools teach this? Most B-schools don't teach students comparative management styles -- say, 'American' versus 'Japanese.'
Count your chickens Backyard poultry farming needs a boost but with a different kind of poultry management technology.
Drucker for dummies The legendary management guru's insights often ran contrary to conventional wisdom. Here are some of the best examples.
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| March 13, 2006 |
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|  Power-ing ahead? Mumbai may well be the symbolic power equivalent of the country's gold reserves being shipped to London in 1991.
Manmohan's second EPFO blow The problem is that while the new pension scheme has been delayed for more than two years now, the ministry of finance has just issued a notification that takes pension reforms in the opposite direction from that originally planned.
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| March 11, 2006 |
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|  Rise of the Indian entrepreneurs In almost any new industry that has grown to prominence in the last decade, the king on the block is not from the established business houses but a rank newcomer.
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| March 10, 2006 |
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|  With more PhDs, India can be a superpower If India has to be technologically strong, more strong science and engineering PhD programmes are a MUST, says Prof M A Pai.
Globalization, 30,000 feet! Globalization doesn't mean one rich nation and one poor nation; it's about one rich planet where everyone gets to play a role in wealth creation.
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| March 06, 2006 |
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|  Oil imports: How India can cut costs India is the worst placed among the major economies of the world, with oil imports accounting for over one-third of total imports.
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| March 04, 2006 |
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|  Growth: Best antidote to poverty The 1999-00 NSS survey was controversial for two reasons: first, it showed a largish poverty decline in the post reform 1990s; second, the NSS had asked for food consumption according to two separate recall periods- 7 and 30 days.
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