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'...the NRIs are up to their usual rantings...'
Mon Sep 30 17:47:27 2002
Your Views:No, off-course not. we are not a soft state. Just think of what happens to those who oppose the policies of the powers-that-be. Agitators from 'Narmada Bachao' upto 'Ajadee Bachao' are ample testimony to this. The fact of the matter is we are harsh -extremely harsh- to our own people and soft -really very soft- to outsiders. In other words, we are harsh where we should be soft abd vice-versa as against any other people. I am told, if one American suffers at the hands of a non-american, the media there, make the life of their President miserable. We, on the other hand, create and guard escape routes for all those who add miseries to any number of our citizens - may it be Enron in Dabhol or Union Carbide in Bhopal. May be that we have ample of population and scarcity of resources. Therefore, we feel no value for life but great need for capital. That is the reason why we can sell anything, right from our body and flesh upto our spirituality. All that we need is a purchaser with sufficiently deep pockets. At any other place in the world, one can find exactly the opposite picture.
Mon Sep 30 18:51:11 2002
Your Views:Looks like the NRIs are up to their usual rantings. Bomb this, kill them, let's have a war with pakistan.(all those who think that we should follow Israel and US,just ask yourself what they have accomplished?) what's the point of fighting if we don't have a vision that goes beyond the next election. It easy to blame politicians and yes they do share a majority of the blame. my 2 cents
Mon Sep 30 17:49:53 2002
Your Views:Neither we are a bunch of losers nor a nation of cowards. Since indipendence our nation is ruled by bunch of jokers,who are concerned for their chair not for the people.They respect what couple of white shits like Bush,Blair say .......they are not bothered about what an widow or orphan of a dead armyman thinks.Before getting rid of our eneny we must get rid of our cowrd leadership
Mon Sep 30 17:51:17 2002
Your Views:Every country has the government it deserves! And India is no exception, if we claim that we are a soft state, then what it really means is that we are soft people. That probably is true. Governments after governments have been delaying a just solution to the J&K issue & we, the people of this country, have time & again voted them to power again. If we really feel that the rulers of the nation are effete & mere talkers then we should find alternatives. Elections should be boycotted en mass or still better, sincere & ture people among us should stand for elections. It may be difficult at first, but unfortunately thats the only solution. In any riot, the people who lose their lives are we, the common man. Readers & writers of these columns lose their lives; And if its so, then the solution & action has to come from us. Why do we get provoked by political & religious leaders? Why do we get involved in violence? These are to be answered. A just society is formed by all of us. Terrorism is not a cause, it is manifestation of ignorance & desperation fanned by hatred & fanaticism. And more often than not solution lies in awareness, tolerance and a feeling of unity & social responsibility
Mon Sep 30 17:51:37 2002
Name:Kunnal K.---> "Do unto others,before they do to u"
Your Views:We have crossed the 1 billion mark in terms of man power, but when one thinks of how our neighbouring countries treat us, it is degrading to all of us. All of us who proudly call ourselves Indians! But, todays events bring us no pride.The policy of Ahimsa caused the lives of so many people back during the fight for indepence, and yet our leaders follow it. We are slaves to the American dogs, who by their power seek to rule the entire world. Ever since our president has come to power, i have not heard of him doing any of those great works that he promised. Our Prime minister or the ambitious Atul, can barely hold himself up, how does he expect to shoulder our country???
I seriously think we should just blow Pakistan of the map!!And once and for all end this problem.
Mon Sep 30 17:52:05 2002
Your Views:Believe it or not.we are like steel it can be both hard & soft as well. But important is that we are Steel.
Mon Sep 30 17:52:55 2002
Name:Amitabh Pandey
Your Views:No doubt that war with Pakistan would be destructive but wars are always so, yet history witnesses that an ostrich approach has never been the solution when the enemy does not believe in peace. World War 2 is not too old to be forgotten. The sooner we realise this fact the less destructive it would be.The International awareness and understanding against terrorrism, which is soon fading also supports this is the right time for India to go for action or else loose this advantage. The American reaction to Pak sponsered terrorrism acts as an eye opener for us that we have to fight this war alone. If Pakistan gets external aid which they have started getting, they would become more dangerous and destructive than now. Also we can not divert our funds towards development but have to bear the cost of this proxy war which is very high thus making growth and prosperity a distant dream for us. The government must realise that there is no other option left but to face this bitter truth that War is inevitable.The sooner they realise it the better it is for the country. Our reactions are only encouraging Pakistan. Patience beyond a limit is nothing but cowardice.
Mon Sep 30 17:53:06 2002
Your Views:yes . we are cowards . i don't know why our politicians are waiting and expecting for somebody's help to solve our national problem. we r having sufficient power to eliminate those useless sons of bitches. wot happend to the patriotism of youth, people where the land given birth to so many great personalities. our politicians are playing only to save their chairs and positions they should change their thinking. i am ready to fight for my country till the last blood drop, and i am ready to sacrifice everything whatever i am having for the sake of my country. Vande mataram
Mon Sep 30 17:53:23 2002
Name:Pradeep Gogte
Your Views:The fundamental problem in India is poverty.
a. All of us know that 'poor' people can and will do anything for a few bucks.
b. We read in the newspapers that our courageous commandos we have make Rs. 3250 per month. This, unfortunately, is being taken advantage of by these sick-hateful-pscyho-coward terrorists. They can reach anywhere do anything by paying off these 'poor' people and in the meanwhile hit the morale of our tough but fatigued commandos/armed forces. We need to step above money and put our country first. Yes, so what if we are poor, we should report to the authorities when we smell/ see/hear trouble. Lets get our country cleared from these cockroaches!
Mon Sep 30 17:54:04 2002
Your Views:its soooo funny to see people sitting pretty on their little bums in distant land baying for war and screaming "Yeah we are a soft state". looks quite similar to the school of crows making all the noises at the end of the day. perhaps this is the very frustration that made them leave this country for a better life. for the rest of us...i would really like to know...what we ourselves have done for our country. how many of us have ever thought of and tried of joining the army and defending our nation? how many of us have really worked hard to make the country proud? its easy to blame everything on our lame politicians and get over with it. done!!! me taken all the frustrations out on this little insignificant web page..now wheres my beer??..and heyyy whats india's score now?? damm sachin..he suckss!!!
its easy to sit and crib about present conditions. would love to see the people of this nation actually doing something about it.Aact yourselves!!! kick ur local politician. make him know. take out morchas. yeahh bandh too.why not?!! hell with the economy when the nation is bleeding anyways. anyone got a bright idea of forming a militant group to work in pak???? I am game!!!!!! Jai Hind!
Mon Sep 30 17:54:08 2002
Your Views:Firstly thanking to all people for keeping peace after attack.everybody tells to reply to pakistan.is it so easy? we have to think what will happens if the war gets turn in to N-war.keeping faith on our PM, we must support him, for every correct decision and for every step against terrorism.
Mon Sep 30 17:54:52 2002
Name:Rajeev Sharma
Your Views:Not only losers and cowards, we are tail-wagging dogs for us and uk. The leaders of our nation look upto the leaders of us and uk for a nod before everything, I think it is not far away that they will bloody wait for their nod to resolve our internal matters too.
We paid with innumerable cost to remove terrorism from Punjab, its still happening in J&K, it has started in Gujarat and very soon it will spread out to every single inch of our land but these cowards will try to please the lords of their souls....
It is high time folks, we should react with actions and not f****** words. I am ready to sacrifice my life for the supreme cause and I firmly believe that, if required, millions of youth n our nation will do the same, who the f*** are we scared of... US did what it wanted to when they faced something and instead of reacting with actions, our bloody leaders kept on pleading before us and uk to ask a bastard in pakistan for putting a halt to all this.
We definetely are a bunch of losers and a nation of cowards for the entire world inspite of the fire we possess to destroy anyoe who looks towards us.
Mon Sep 30 17:56:52 2002
Your Views:Hey friends,
There is nothing like we are soft...
But,then again we are soft!!!
confusing right?
Yeah,that is what we are...Indians.
Just soft at our mental setup..
soft,not for fighting for those evil forces,but soft for our own greed...for money,for power,for whatever...
How many people in our country really worry about the nation? forget about the nation,how many of us worry about our state,district,taluk,city,town,village? Ofcourse unless something really goes wrong which affects ones own personal life?
this is where we are soft? Our brave defence force personnel are really strong and hard...not at all soft...
but our great secular and non secular(i do not know who is secular and who is not!!!!!)political leaders have not spared them either....and made them look soft!!! which they are not!!!
So,we the young generation of this great nation have a job on hand...
I take this oppurtunity to invite one and all in cleaning up this scrap...accumulated over a period of few decades...
one can do his/her own bit in any simple way he deems is fit and he is capable of...
let us concentrate on the education of al people,let us try to eradicate poverty,let us try to control the popuation,let us try to be honest to our country...and let us.........oh! the list goes on...
And in a short term thought,yes we have to get rid of this DEVIL - "Pakistan"...to concentrate on our growth...
I appeal to all the politicians who move around with "Z" category security to also think of the security of the Nation and the common man of this land...on whose vote you have this security today.
Jai hind
Mon Sep 30 17:57:09 2002
Your Views:India is a soft state because of Identity Crisis. "Ko-ham" in Sanskrit means "who am I" or "who we are". India lacks identity. India mus get back to its Hindu identity to resolve all its problems.
We must take pride in our ancestors who brought glory to this very land of knowledge and humanism.
We must take pride in our heros:
Vikramaditya, Chndragupta Maurya, Rajendra Chola, Harihar and Bukka of Vijayanagar, Maharana Pratap, Shivaji Maharaj, Maharja Chhatrasaal, Lachhit Fukan, Guru Govind Singhji, Maharaja Ranjit Singhji, Swami Vivekananda, Lokmanya Tilak, Veer Savarkar, Subhash Chandra Bose and many more.
It's only Hindu identity which will resolve all the issues we have today.
Definition of Hindu is: aasindhu sindhu paryanta yasya bharatbhumika pitrubhu punyabhushchaiva sah vai hindu riti smritah. Meaning: Those who consider this land spread between the river Sindhu and the Bay of Bengal as their ancestorial and holyland are all Hindus. This necessarily includes, vedic, sanatan, sikhs,jains and bauddhas. As all of them are indigenious sects of India. They all have common history, culture, motherland and holy places of all of them reside in India.
Mon Sep 30 17:58:44 2002
Your Views:i dont think we are a soft state, neither are we losers.... Cant anyone think what will happen if we wage war? all the nations including USA will come to Paks support and "hum kahin ke nahin rahenge"
Do we have the strength to take USA head on ????Tact is what required, not death
we want UN and US support Gandhi has taught and shown before "nothing can be achived with violence...."
Mon Sep 30 18:03:00 2002
Name:kishore abid
Your Views:India is indeed a soft state, We should understand that India as a strong military power sholud fight all the atrocities that are commited towards it ,and make sure that nothing is repeted for a second time.Mistakes are there to made only once it should never be repeated.If we did not have a strong army and poor economy then it was ok in thinking that we cannot do anything.We should make sure that nothing is repeated in the intrest of the nation,look at America,after the september 11 attacks it retaliated aganist the
al queda and all the countries that were harbouring them and look at us after all these attacks were looking for mercy from America which plays only by it's rules and what it is gaining in thhe long run.Let as not forget that india is our country that got independence by means of ahimsa and non violence.But times have changed it is necessary to cut iron by iron,
and to make sure that once cut it is cut forever again .They should not be a able to weld it back again.What is use of all these weopens and bombs if we cannot use it for our protection.Rise oh mighty nation, awake and sleep not till the goal is reached. finish all the atrocities
jai hind sare jhan se acha
Mon Sep 30 18:03:01 2002
Your Views:India is not soft but a coward nation and it has demonstrated this for centuries. If one ever cares to look at the example of the great ruler of Punjab (Now Pakistan and Afghanistan)Ranjit Singh , he/she will come to know how one deals with this race. The people of Pakistan and Afghanistan have always displayed treacheries and violence and they can understand only the language of violence. Only if you beat them do they remain quiet for some years. Well a good option could be to wipe them out so that they can remain quiet forever. India needs an able General and not a vote hungry politician to answer a trecherous general across the border. We are losing the war already started for we are giving our enemy enough time to propagate his evil desires through speeches and deeds and actions. It's time we realized and took an authentic offensive posture and not just be sitting ducks at the border. We know we are dealing with a nasty enemy which is not like Iraq to US or Palestinians to Israelis but like US to Japan in the 2nd World war but this time the equation should change. It is also very ironic to see how US is finding the scapegoat in Iraq for it knows and can do notthing about Pak.
Mon Sep 30 18:03:23 2002
Your Views:No doubt that war with Pakistan would be destructive but wars are always so, yet history witnesses that an ostrich approach has never been the solution when the enemy does not believe in peace. World War 2 is not too old to be forgotten. The sooner we realise this fact the less destructive it would be.The International awareness and understanding against terrorrism, which is soon fading also supports this is the right time for India to go for action or else loose this advantage. The American reaction to Pak sponsered terrorrism acts as an eye opener for us that we have to fight this war alone. If Pakistan gets external aid which they have started getting, they would become more dangerous and destructive than now. Also we can not divert our funds towards development but have to bear the cost of this proxy war which is very high thus making growth and prosperity a distant dream for us. The government must realise that there is no other option left but to face this bitter truth that War is inevitable.The sooner they realise it the better it is for the country. Our reactions are only encouraging Pakistan. Patience beyond a limit is nothing but cowardice.
Mon Sep 30 18:03:41 2002
Your Views:I reside in the UK. Just last saturday there was a rally here by abt 10000 people asking Tony Blair, not to take action on Iraq. In our country, it's the opposite though. Most of us Indians want Pakistan to be eliminated from the world map, but our govt is not ready to take action. Funny are the ways of our government!
Mon Sep 30 18:04:07 2002
Name:Amit Singh
Your Views:We need military leader like Pakistan has, we have had enough of so called democracy & these democratic leaders.
Mon Sep 30 18:04:14 2002
Name:Anurag Dandona
Your Views:We are definitely not a nation of cowards.
If we are talking of attacking Pak and giving them a fitting reply , it is also not possible considering their nuclear capabilities and latest armament facilities. We can not compare our country with Israel as they are fighting weak opponents. Fight with pak will bring plight for everyone.
It is for every Indian to think collectively whether we are losers??
I have differrent views as I do not feel that not being able to attack our neighbour makes us losers or not making other nations understand our problems make us losers.
World will understand our problems more in the coming time as I certainly feel that terrorist problems on the western world will increase as polarisation of world has happenned. This will make them realise our problems and once they will understand , they will definitely bar our neighbours for what they are doing now and this will result in our own change in stance and we will on our own say that we are not nation of cowards.
Mon Sep 30 18:05:04 2002
Name:Abhay Shahi
Your Views:India is a democratic country and it usually sees the international interest so it doesnt mean that we are coward. Now we have to take thing seriously. Only way to kill terririsam is attack on Pakistan without thinking because enough is enough. Our Politician only worry about this when any thing happen with them. They doesnt have any symphathy for general people. Now this is the time to wake up and give the answer to all world that we are not going to take anything lightly if it costs our national interest.
Mon Sep 30 18:05:36 2002
Your Views:I think this time India is not making any noise because it is getting ready for real action. So let the calm before the storm not frighten you. We are soft upto a certain point. We are like a bow and arrow combination. We are building the tension in the bow with every attack and then at a certain point the arrow will definitely be released.
Mon Sep 30 18:06:05 2002
Name:Anoop Saxena
Your Views:I think much has been said by one and all. Which state is not a soft state? If a thief enters your house despite you bolting all your doors, are you a soft target? No. For the simple reason that you do not know how would the thief attack or what's his modus operandi. You take precautions. Thats all you can do. One fault(among many) with our politicians, specially the PM and the senior and more prominent ministers is that they started talking about waging a war, punishing the guilty etc. little realising that waging a war with Pakistan at this stage is absolutely impractical. Yes militarywise we r more powerful but there r other factors too. And all those who talk about us being a soft target or cowards, what do we do when a girl is raped infront of hundreds? What do we do when college boys enter the reserved compartments of trains and tease girls. Its easy to say, we should fight and easy to blame the politicians but have we done our bit? Have we fought corruption at our level? Have we not paid a TT to get a ticket in a train? r the politicians different from us? Do they come from some other planet? We become politicians. yes we r coward, for we can not fight the devil witin us.
Mon Sep 30 18:08:52 2002
Your Views:The cicumstances under which we fought for our freedom in "Ahimsa" way cannot be effective for ever.If we continue we will be occupied by our neighbours very soon.If one muslim is killed in india,all muslims nations(including our Bukhari)raises there voices.But if Hindus are mercilessly massacared no hindu united voices are heard.Why are Hindus disunited?comeon guys we should unit e and fight
Mon Sep 30 18:09:54 2002
Your Views:Yes and no. The politicians do it for there petty gains and that is why those nuts always get us. Nehru did it and then Indira Gandhi returned the area won by our brave guys. And now all of the cartoons together (ruling and opposition) are more interested in there own politics rather than solving the countries problem. Today Musharraf threatened with nuclear attack and getting the different packages (arms and financial) from US of A (Remember Osama was US creation - and they paid a hevy price for that and now they training a whole country!! - they want to destroy themselves). India has to go full way with attack and let the world that Pakistan should not get away with threats.
Mon Sep 30 18:12:51 2002
Name:Achuta Rama Prasad
Your Views:We don't need anyone approval to stirke our enemy. Look at Isreal does it take approval for what it is doing in the Middle East. Act with tough rules and then talk diplomacy.
Spoiled child should be taught good lesson.
Mon Sep 30 18:13:09 2002
Your Views:We are ofcourse a nation of losers and cowards with the Government not having the guts to wage a war against pakistan,We are indeed a bunch of cowards.If the government cannot declare a all out war then they should atleast train people to militants and send them to pakistan,If they a small taste of what they are doing then they will defnitely come to terms and it would not even require too much to tear then apart,I am even ready to volunteer for this cause It has become a joke with every India complaining about Pakistan and they turning something back on India again But I had strong hopes on the BJP government but even that has proved incapabale.shame on our leaders
Mon Sep 30 18:13:14 2002
Your Views:Of course we are a soft state
How else can u explain these illiterate dumb, son of bitches pakis come in and killing people at a place of worship,and Vajpayee responding with Only words and no action.Is this what Islam preaches or do they have a seperate koran(only applicable for the dumb pakis).The only solution here is to pay the youths to enter pakistan and do to them what they have been doing to us and screw up their economy and everything.........
Mon Sep 30 18:14:02 2002
Your Views:Yes we are the softest target for any kind of internal attacks. Actually I think our diplomacy for external affairs is going some were wrong. have u seen our diplomatic interfaces issuing the statements (Eg. Ms Rao), it is clearly seems that they are reading some ready-made statements like earlier DD newsreaders. One should have aggressive ness in an approach when you deal with shrewdest people like Americans. You can not afford to go on back foot once you make a move, history is the witness that no nation on this universe has been humiliated in this manner by its own people.
We should improve our diplomatic policies because policies can win half of the war for us.
Mon Sep 30 18:14:22 2002
Your Views:if we call ourselves cowards.. it will not be justice to cowards... we are far worse-est than cowards...me is ashamed... and gets humiliated each day...
Mon Sep 30 18:16:01 2002
Your Views:the present situation is very bad.people of our own country think that for them religion is more important than the country on the one hand and on the other hand we have a political system where in if bjp wants to go for war in comes congress telling them that war is not the only way and the importsance for need for talks and how they would do it.its the same story.enough is enough.israel is an example.even though we may not have silent support of U.S like them we can fight and prove a point o pakistan.god knows when we are going to attack.
since history india hs beed place for all sorts of people to come and creae trouble.and the same history also shows that we have always retaliated very very slowly.it is our culture and it is there in our system.one day or the othere we will start retliating and its goign to hurt the enemy so hard the whole world will learn a lesson from it.
Mon Sep 30 18:16:03 2002
Your Views:As a nation, we of course are losers- the winners are the politicians whom we choose to allow a free hand. Everytime there's an attack on the country, our PM makes statements such as "We have reached the end of our patience" and the like.
Instead of beggin US and other countries for support to rein in Pakistan govt (which they won't, since it suits their arms industry) we must take the issue up on a proactive note, and tell the rest of the world to shut up.
A war with Pakistan will only help the Pakistan govt, causing us (we and the general Pakistani junta) to lose even more in the Nuclear Holocaust that will definitely take place. An Israel-style offensive, which has gone on for the past 40 years, won't help, because bringing darkness into other's lives doesn't brighten up our own.
The only solution is to follow the dictum of "Prevention is better than cure". Greater co-ordination between the intelligence agencies will definitely ensure that another Akshardham tragedy doesn't occur.
Mon Sep 30 18:16:37 2002
Your Views:I think the state of the country is pathetic. We are in a urgent need of strong and dynamic leaders who can make things working rather than sitting on top of it. Our politicians are all to blame for the current political crises in the region which is potraying the wrong image of India
Mon Sep 30 18:19:28 2002
Your Views:We from the land of the great King Ashoka, Chadragupta Maurya, Prithviraj Chauhan & Rani Lakshmi bai. are not cowards but we have come under leadership where our leaders just say don't do ???? Iask if any of our great kings would have been here or this incident would have occoured at that time then the Great kings would have said the same things as our laeders are doin now ? That's why we are not America and can't even think to be that. We are so soft that even a nation like Bangladesh cut our soldiers How dare even they think like that ? and a nation like Pakistan who is so afraid of World Community give a terror to us
Mon Sep 30 18:19:38 2002
Your Views:Yes we are!
The Prime Minister and Other leaders speaks volumes but do nothig except saying it is an act of ISI and Laskar Toiba etc and these types of acts will not deter our determination to act against terrorism! Do the political leadership have any plans to curb the menace of terrorism or wait for another strike? What these security men or for? Give them lead to fight against terrorism and not to escort to Kandahar!
The other side of the coin is belated justice in the courts. Criminals in the most wanted list were once in the jails and we couldn't expediter their cases. They were simply put in jails withour any severe punishment.
Politicians say they give up their lives for the nation. But they can't give up their family members when they are kidnapped.
Mon Sep 30 18:20:37 2002
Your Views:I would like to argue against it, but somehow I cannot. Our politicians compromise national security for personal interests. As long as the security crisis remains, they will be able to pull in votes for themselves. Innocents get plundered and all we can do is call for a bandh or threaten to pull out support in the face of national crisis!
We have to start taking pride in ourseldves and stand up together as a nation against all powers of tyranny-local and international.
And politicians who harp about diplomacy, have not done a good job of it either! They suck at it! No politician has ever presented India's stand on Kashmir to the world in an efficient manner. So all this talk about diplomacy and patience is crap! To an Indian politician, the country is expendible as long as they can bloat their bank balance. Politics used to be about serving the country-one of the highest honors. Now, any self-respectable man steers clear of it. Face it, India is getting eroded fast and unless there is an internal revolution in the nation, we will disintegrate.
And parties like Bajrang Dal and RSS suck too! All they have done is boycott movies and flare tensions between groups.
Mon Sep 30 18:21:28 2002
Name:Shivkumar Singh
Your Views:Shame on you.
I am surprised you did not publish my views. Indian media much of which is antinational to is greatly responsible for making us a soft target.
As long as we do not recognise and face upto the fact that Islam is an intolerant ideology we will continue to face problems.
We need Army rule (someone like Chatrapathi Shivaji to save us from terrorism called Islam and menace called leftist fundamentalism.
Mon Sep 30 18:23:17 2002
Your Views:Yes, we are a soft target. And for those who did not notice - Messers Mulayam and Laloo and the coterie did not make any noises after Akshardham. Why is one life more precious than the other?
These people must be firts removed from the political scene to help India. If India is ruled by such blokes, who have no clue to do anything other than build their fat tummies and embezzle development funds, we would be better off.
And BTW - the great policeman of the world (USA) has issued a statement saying that any country can do pre-emptive strikes - but advises restraint on India - yeah right!!! Who the F*** needs these a****** permission, Why do we always expect for a nod from the US? Is he our mother/ father/ God/ wellwisher? - None.... We need to have the balls to take a decision and no matter what face the consequences. What will happen - Few days - some people will shout, some politicians will worry about their vote, but later one everything will die down. Does the policeman of the world point a finger at Isreal? Never - so he has no legitimacy to do it to us. We are soft, but our attitude is making us softer and softer and softer :-((
Mon Sep 30 18:23:57 2002
Mon Sep 30 18:27:52 2002
Name:ravi shastry
Your Views:yes
Mon Sep 30 18:29:20 2002
Name:alok behera
Your Views:we really are a shoft state. when even a hardliner party like BJP is making only statement and doing nothing, what will be the inference . we never had any hope from the congeress but when BJP is alos doing the same we must think over it. because when even the hard line is soft then our collective charector of the nation should be looked into.becauce what we are seeing is total break down of man hood from our political class.
Mon Sep 30 18:30:29 2002
Your Views:yaa, I agree until we take initiative and have willingness to stop and target any terror before it start.
Kill all terrorists before they cause problems and We have lots of problems and voices on human welfare organisations.
Just shoot a terrorist if he found guilty no Bail thing. India has some much population and we daily loose many it will not matter if some innocents die in some act in that will save many lifes in return. I believe all Indian like death of a shahid rather seeing such act and self poisoning. We have to become strong like Isreal.
cheers Jaihind.
Mon Sep 30 18:31:59 2002
Your Views:What can you expext from a Nation which call Shrewd Gandhi by Mahatma
Mon Sep 30 18:35:03 2002
Your Views:this is because of parties like -congress, sp, communist , who always oppose govt. whwnever they try to take some actions.
congress is the main culprit which knows only one policy-
divide and rule.
Mon Sep 30 18:36:07 2002
Name:Does India have any self respect remaining ?
Your Views:Does India have any self esteem ?. Does the Government really care for the soldiers who lose their lives fighting on the border, trying to defend our Motherland ?. I dont think so, the Government is too busy taking a soft stand on such issues and tends to take a more softer stand on issues such as terrorism. Public uproar in the parliaments, for a month or two. Serious terrorist attacks have been ignored. Fight back India. If not for the public, fight when you were attacked on the parliament !!!
Mon Sep 30 18:37:16 2002
Your Views:We are a softstate. Its about time we liberate POK and Sindh. Lets be offensive then being defensive. Lets get coersive. The fact that all the so called "SAARC" nations called India a "Big Brother" is all a lie we are bunch of f***ing sissies. Lets get off our collective backs and energise our Armed forces to kick some pakistani butt. I want my Kashmir back and while we are at it lets reclaim Sindh.
Mon Sep 30 18:40:08 2002
Your Views:It's a waste of time talking about something we already know. Indians : please step up for being the Mr. Cowards of the universe.
Mon Sep 30 18:41:18 2002
Name:Tushar Thakkar
Your Views:Well, of course we are a soft state, but i dont think what is being written and what action is being recommended is right. I dont think that the people who recommend war with Pakistan fully comprehend what is the meaning of the words "nuclear war", it means death for a large number of people and situations worse then death for a larger number. And it does not mean death for someone far away, that we hear about and sigh and feel sorry about and forget a moment later. It means it is for people we know and love. For a winner of such nuclear games, it only means that he may have won the war but civilization in his country has been pushed back by hundreds of years, with millions dead and more disabled, such a large number that the economy shall always remain in the dark ages. And for people who say that we should react like Israel, I would recommend that they go back and brush up on the history, because I am sure that they will find that Israel is not necessarily right. As Socrates, the Greek philosopher said, courage is not fighting on whatever the circumstances, courage is in doing the right thing, whatever the circumstances, and in this case, I think war is not the right option.
Mon Sep 30 18:41:45 2002
Name:Francis DSouza
Your Views:I think Indian leaders are impotent. They need to become more like Isrealis and US leaders who do not take shit.
Mon Sep 30 18:47:52 2002
Name:kiriti sravan kumar
Your Views:I am an indian and i am living in US right now. If anybody could please tell me how long before we take any action. How many more people need to die before we wake up. I hate these fucking politicians, just keep talking thats all they do. When i first heard about the attack on indian parliment i felt very sad. But now i feel sad for an other reason. U know what they should have killed some politicians. At least then we dont have to listen to their shit anymore. Innocent brave people died protecting a bunch of cowards how ironical!!. If any terrorists can hear me please kill our politicians first.
Mon Sep 30 18:50:13 2002
Your Views:
India is not a soft state. We are finally turning around economically ( after 40 years of stupidity ). We will lose all momentum ( by multinationals withdrawing projects, loans cancelled/deferred ) on the first mention of war. We have to beat each of our enemies by fear rather than by actual war. Fear can be by getting the respect of the superpowers. Which is exactly what India is trying to do. It is going to take a couple of generations ( atleast ) for the Paks to catch up with us economically. Our job now is to develop on the greatest resource we have - largest pool of engineers - and start innovating. Like the Japanese did in the 50s and 60s. We still dont have a single company in any industry in India which is defining standards for the world to follow. We need few companies like Sony/Toyota etc that the whole world is dependent on. We need to remember that the Wipro's and Infosys's are replaceable.
Mon Sep 30 18:51:40 2002
Name:v ramanand
Your Views:The attack on the temple is the reaction of the atrocities by the hindu fundamentalists on the muslims. The Modi govt. did'nt prevent killing of thousands against 60 killed in Godhra.A secular country has no right to be headed by such a fundamentalist in Gujrat as well as in the center.
Mon Sep 30 18:55:13 2002
Your Views:Ok. India is a soft state. We agree. There are some important things we must understand. Retaliation is a form of revenge. Like all things, revenge is a dish which tastes best when cold. There was one very encouraging thing which happenned in Gujarat. There was no rioting. Rioting is bad for any civilized society. The police must act quickly and courts must deliver strict and immediate justice to offenders, including capital punishment. This will dissuade offenders. We need to build a strong state. That does not happen through unity. The Akshardham episode was calculated plan to re-ignite communal passions in Gujarat. There is some logic to ISI thinking. Gujarat contributes to 16% of country's GDP. It is a principal beneficiary of foreign investment. Rioting severely destabilizes business. The fact that rioting did not take place was the strength of the soft state. We survived an attack.
Pakistan as a country has no identity. Being created just 50 years, it has no history or identity. The definition of Pakistan is "Anti India". We must help it identify it's identities of an Independent democratic nations of Punjab, Sindh, Baluchistan and Pakhtunistan, like Bangladesh.
Mon Sep 30 19:01:49 2002
Name:Shashank Shekhar Agrawal
Your Views:No, we are not losers. We are doing great in many spheres and have potential to be world leader.
Lets stop blaming others for the problems we create for ourselves. Kashmir is a problem created by our leaders for their political mileage. Whenever we had a war with Pakistan, the ruling party's popularity was abysmally low. Don't we see a link here? Around the world, leaders divert the attention on domestic issues by engaging in confrontation with other countries. This two-pronged approach not only helps in scuttling the issue but also unites the countrymen under the leadership. We are cowards and our culture is to blame for it. Time immemorial, we have been subjected to outsiders rule and this has instilled in us a sense of fear. No Indian wants his life to go out of gear just for "another person".
Have you posted your views?